Deane House At Home Dinner Date

Hello and welcome to another post in quarantine! I’ve lost count of how many weeks it’s been… With every passing weekend I can’t help but long for the days we used to spend getting dressed up and heading out for a fancy dinner at any one of our favourite eateries. With the weather warming up it’s been especially hard to forgo any hopes of patio drinks and Sunday brunches. This past week however, my mom surprised us with a “Dinner In” from one of Calgarys finest restaurants, The Deane House in Inglewood! For the full video experience, check out the link below, and read on to find out more about our romantic evening in.

Driving down to scenic Inglewood was such a welcome pick-me-up! I’m happy they have a pick up process as opposed to at home delivery, this gave me an excuse to leave the house and enjoy a little fresh air (driving through town with my windows down and sun roof open). We’ve been so cooped up lately I forgot the simple joys of an afternoon drive! Arriving at Deane House, it’s a simple process of just sending a text and they will bring you your meal and place it in your already open trunk. In total I probably waited about 10 minutes, just soaking up the sun in their parking lot.

Unpacking everything back at home, all items were clearly labeled and careful thought and organization was put into the menu and cooking instructions! We had no issues completing each task - and are happy to report not one item was burned by us during the cooking process! They texted us a link to the cooking video as well, however the instructions were easy enough to follow on paper, so we did not use the video tutorial.

Overall we were VERY impressed with the meal, the flavours were so fresh and crisp. Having wild boar was something we would never attempt on our own, so it really made the whole experience worth doing. During this quarantine it’s no secret that restaurants are taking a significant hit, in times like these we really need to support local businesses, and I am so happy Deane House is offering opportunities like this to not only purchase meals from a renowned restaurant - but enjoy the cooking experience together.