My Week in Quarantine

How are we all doing? Not going crazy? I know i’ve been losing my mind a little bit with all this time at home! Especially now that I’m laid off, I need to fill the time to keep myself from online shopping… I just wanted to check in and show you guys how I’ve been coping this week in isolation. I’m hoping this will be the first of a series of weekly quarantine vlogs and blog posts. I want to give you guys inspiration and support, so that we don’t need to simply fill the void by binging Netflix everyday! Click the video below for my full weekly vlog, and read on to hear what I got up to this week in isolation!

One thing that’s really helped me stay on a schedule is having my weekly planner! I plan out each week, hour by hour to keep myself productive and accountable. YES I do schedule TV time, this way I allow myself time to relax without the guilt of spending consecutive hours on the sofa… All this free time has also really allowed me to re-connect with myself mentally, spiritually, and physically. I try to start each day with at least 25 minutes of yoga, and 10 minutes of meditation and prayer. Shayne and I have also begun an at home workout and diet program, so we get a 40min workout together when he’s done work for the day, and eating each meal together has really been a bonus.

I am blessed to have this blog, it’s given me another area to focus on while being home. I used to really focus my blogging time on the weekends, but now I can treat it more like my full time job and dedicate more of my time each week to it. If you don’t have a side gig or hobby, now is the perfect time to start! Having something that you work towards each day can really fill your week with purpose. Of course now that it is spring, I have found myself doing all the little spring cleaning essentials like organizing the closets and giving the bathroom a mini facelift. Not to mention the 20 minute tidying at the end of each day (anyone else manufacturing dishes at lightning speed since your home 24/7??) I also started re-potting my house plants and getting the yard ready for sun-bathing, bring on the warm weather!


All in all it’s been a productive week! I like feeling busy each day and tackling the jobs I would never have had the time to do before. Finding joy in the little things along the way also helps to have appreciation for this situation and I am thankful for the shift it has brought to my life. What are you guys getting up to? I’d love to hear in the comments below - or shoot me an email!