Jeffree Star Fan Post & Lip Ammunition Review

AHHHHH! For those of you who know me, you know my all time favourite youtuber is Jeffree Star! I fan girl a little too hard about his videos and instagram content. He's just so.... I don’t know.... ENTERTAINING! It's like glimpsing into the life of someone rich and famous, who spends his money on - well - WHATEVER HE WANTS! It's so captivating to see everyday life that is so far removed from anything remotely similar to my own. I just love the little "break from reality" I get when I tune in. Because of my fandom, my husband Shayne really took things up a notch by purchasing my first ever Jeffree Star merch and makeup! For the full unboxing and makeup test, click the video below:

I was so thrilled when I saw the Beautylish box on our porch, I knew for sure something Jeffree Star was in the box! The first Item I received when I opened it was this cute little blue hat! It has the JS logo in pink, and is just the most perfect low profile ball cap for any outfit! Next was a larger pink box, I was a little confused as to what it could be, it was a little too think to be any sort of palette. I was really thrilled when I opened it to find a birthday theme star mirror!! Can you believe it - my own star mirror :D!! It is so cute, and I feel a little more like Jeffree every time I use it! The last item in my box was a tube of Lip Ammunition lipstick in the colour "Jeffree’s Girl" - which I totally am! It is such a bright shade, truth be told I was a little nervous when I first saw the colour. After swatching it on and wearing it for a few minutes it really grew on me! The pigment is just so well done that it gives almost a neon glow, it really is a fun colour and I cant wait to wear it more this spring summer!

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the video, go ahead and click play! It really gives you an in-depth view of the merch and lipstick, plus you can see me nerding out over my idol! Thanks again for following along, I hope this will be the first of more Jeffree Star product reviews to come!