Organizing My Fridge

Hi guys - welcome back to my blog! In continuing with my organizational series I thought it fitting to completely overhaul my fridge. This has always been a bit of a crowded area in our home, but this week it got extra full as we received a surprise HelloFresh box (which included ingredients for three full meals)! If you want to watch the full video be sure to check out the link below, and read on to hear all about how I transformed my fridge into one of the most organized areas in our home.

There are some really great fridge organizers on the market, but they can be a little pricy. I decided to try and make due with my glass Pyrex food storage containers instead! I also like to keep my glass pickle jars, which I was able to incorporate into my organizational plan as well.

Once I had my containers sorted, I took everything out of the fridge so I could give it a good clean. I also decided to play around with the shelves to try out a few different configurations. In doing this I was able to add a whole extra shelf of storage!

After throwing out anything expired, I then began sorting my food into my containers. I threw out any large bulky plastic containers and swapped my produce into glass. Herbs, green onions, and carrots I put into my pickle jars and added a little water. Eggs I placed in a large bowl, which makes them so much more accessible. The added shelf space was able to store all our HelloFresh meals, and the meats for each box I decided to put in the fridge container I had previously purchased before starting this process.

Overall it turned out so great! Though it is a little extra work to put our food away after each grocery shop, I definitely feel it is worth it. I can now see everything when I look in the fridge, items are no longer being shoved to the back and forgotten about. Now to start organizing the rest of the kitchen!